OIL PAINTING remains for me a mysterious and demanding practice.
Initially guided by the hand of the Nicaraguan painter Armando Morales, his interest in painting conservation led me to the studio of Patrice de Pracontal, then teacher of painting techniques at the French Institute of Restoration at the Louvre (IFROA).
My work has undergone different influences from Latin and American painting with Diego Rivera and Georgia O’Keeffe to old masters like Rembrandt, Vermeer and Piero Della Francesca Velazquez (whose techniques I studied) to modern artists as Morandi, Bonnard, Rothko...
While today, my attraction towards traditional ink painting opens new possibilities, copies and portraiture remain a current practice.
Towards landscape
In the line of my sculptural work, I feel an urge to record and share via different media ephemeral observations of nature as an echo to our own impermanence.

Hommage à Asegura Tofaku, huile sur toile, 97 x 195 cm

Paysage de neige 2019, huile sur toile, 130x97 cm

Hommage à Asegura Tofaku, huile sur toile, 97 x 195 cm
Appearing/disappearing: fascination for a plaster of Nefertiti who together with her husband Akhenaton revolutionized the religion and the artistic codes of Ancient Egypt.

Obsession Nefertiti I 65x81 cm

Obsession Nefertiti II 116x81 cm

Ink on paper IV

Obsession Nefertiti I 65x81 cm
Meditation: a meticulous observation on the way light reveals what is in the course of a day, a month, a season.

Migration to white
Shifting to incandescence: colors become subtle hues to help sculpt Light… an even slowlier introspective work.

Deeply set in hispanic tradition, bodegones are living portraits of a pantry. Here fruits and vegetables are set in “majesty” on colorful drapes… a vibrant ode to my mexican roots.